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PRIVACY AND SECURITY  We respect the privacy of our customers and are committed to protecting their information for all FundingEdge transactions. You can browse our site without identifying yourself or revealing any information about you or your company. If appreciate signing up for our weekly newsletters on the home page by adding an email address.  This information is NEVER SOLD and only for the use of updating our clients, brokers & affiliates of our programs info and success highlights.  If you choose to apply for financing the information you provide will be used to screen and evaluate your application, and provide you with a wide array of services. Initiating the application process constitutes consent for us to use the information as described in this policy. This policy is about information that relates to particular people or companies.  At FundingEdge, our mission is to meet the desires of our customers. We respect the privacy of our customers and are committed to treating customer information responsibly. Our Customer Information Privacy Principles serve as standards for all FundingEdge employees for collection, use, retention, and security of individual customer information.

collects and retains only customer Information that is needed:  We limit the amount and type of customer information we collect and retain to that which is required to establish and manage customer accounts, understand customer needs, provide customer services, offer new products and services, and comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

FundingEdge employees are responsible for customer information protection: 
We limit employee access to customer information to those employees with a legitimate business need for the information. We have policies, procedures, employee orientation, and communication programs designed for the protection of customer information. It is the responsibility of each FundingEdge employee to comply with our Customer Information Privacy Principles policies and procedures.  Failure to comply subjects our employees to disciplinary action.

FundingEdge strives to maintain the accuracy of customer information:
We have implemented internal controls and procedures designed to keep and report customer information as accurately and completely as possible. We respond promptly when a customer tells us his or her information is not accurate. To ensure the accuracy, timeliness, and thoroughness of information, we use only reputable sources of data to cross-reference against application information.  Information that you submit during the application process is not subject to modification.

FundingEdge Limits the Disclosure of Customer Information:
We recognize and respect our customers' expectation of privacy. We collect and use only the information needed for legitimate business purposes. We employ security measures that guard access to and disclosure of information. We will not disclose personally identifiable information to third parties unless there is an appropriate legal or business justification. If we contract with a company to perform specific services that require us to provide them access to customer information, we require that company to maintain the confidentiality of customer information.  We will continuously assess our business practices to ensure that customer privacy is respected. 

Provides Security Safeguards To Protect Customer Information:  We use advanced technology and information management techniques to implement security, audit, and control programs designed to protect customer information.

FundingEdge Protects Information On Our Web-sites:
We protect the privacy of customer information sent to and from our web-sites. We back our Privacy Principles with some of the best security technology available. We use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Technology to ensure that your application information cannot be accessed during transmission to our servers. We also use SSL authentication technology to confirm the identity of both the computer sending and the computer receiving your application information. This safeguard keeps unauthorized people and companies from accessing your information. We also use technical security measures to prevent unauthorized access to data stored on our secure servers.

Restrictions on the Disclosure of Account Information:
State and federal agencies require us to provide certain information regarding the number of financing applications submitted to us. This information, when disclosed, is in aggregate form and does not contain any of your personally identifiable information.  State and federal examiners may periodically audit consumer files. These audits ensure that we are complying with the regulations in place to protect consumers.  
